Bioshock is an amazing game full of stunning graphics and scary moments.

User Rating: 10 | BioShock X360
Bioshock is an extremely entertaining and addictive game. The graphics are breathtaking. Trust me, listen to all of the hype about this game because it's all very true.
In the first moments of the game you practically dive into the world of Bioshock by way of a plane crash. As the story goes on, it makes you wonder what's going to happen next. You won't want to put the controller down!
Along with a full array of weapons you also receive "magical" powers which can really come in handy throughout the entire game. You also get specials tonics which help your hacking, physical, and other skills.
Besides the usual bosses that you encounter frequently, there are also lesser bosses on every level called Big Daddies. These protect Little Sisters which will give you something you need in order to progress through the game once you get rid of the body guard.
All in all, Bioshock is an amazing game that has been very well put together. Two thumbs up. Ten out of ten. If you get the chance to play it, play it. However, you might get addicted to it. At the moment, I am on my third go-round of the game and it's still every bit enjoyable as the first time I played it.