A nice looking shooter, with some fun weapons and abilities, though falls short due to being too easy.

User Rating: 8 | BioShock PC
Bioshock is a game with very nice mood setting visuals. Though for some reason they fail in sucking the player into the game, making you feel distanced from the other characters in the game. Possibly due to the use of a radio-communicator in the game, and not ever actually meeting anyone of the guys talking to you through it. Unless you get communications from someone you'll eventually fight, then you'll fight them when you first meet in person.

The weaponry of Bioshock is pretty vast, with a lot of different ammo for each weapon, though no weapon is new to the genre. And save the crossbow, I didn't find any of them alot of fun.

There's also abilities in the game, like setting people on fire, freeze them, telekinesis, bee swarms, electroshock., etc. etc.
These can be some fun, but after putting enemies on fire and watching them run for water a few times, it gets tiresome to kill enemies this way.

And the enemies, there's about 4 different splicers in the entire game, the big daddies, and security bots, and that is it, very limited enemy-supply and they're all behaving in pretty much the same way, and all die quite easy. Especially the big daddies were a disappointment for me, since I read that they were gonna be very hard, they weren't.

Even hacking is simplistic and if you were to fail, you can just try again, failing can't kill you even though it gets your health down a bit.

Still, despite the shortcomings of the gameplay the game is a very neat looking thing, with excellent graphical design and great audio. Voiceacting is also top notch. I guess you could all in all say that I am dissappointed due to the very poor mix of enemies, the easiness of the entire game, and the all flash no substance gameplay in general. I'd rather pick up Deus Ex again, or why not System Shock 2.