Plasmids and Tonics and Weapons oh my! You're entering Rapture and You're gonna die! Spoiler free review i
The game starts out a little slowly but the story steps in quickly to take over and you start to really look forward to getting at your adversary as soon as possible.
The achievements you unlock feel well earned and there are some that will be there for your second and third play through also. Now would be a good time to mention that, yes in fact, this game is worthy of a 2nd and 3rd go-'round for the sheer enjoyment factor and the different ways that you can play your character ala RPG elements. As I write this review I'm trying to find a negative spin on the game itself. For the sake of review it's fair to comment on those aspects as well but I really don't have anything to add to that. Maybe the fact that it is sci-fi and a little strange some may find it to be a bit TOO quirky or TOO different from the norm but to that I say Play it anyway and tell me your opinion after you have Rapture!