2K really delivers on the hype. This is a must play title for the 360.

User Rating: 9 | BioShock X360
For those of you out there who care about an engrossing single player experience in your games, like me, Bioshock is a must buy. There are so many pros to this game it's hard to list them all. It's solid from front to back.... graphics, story, controls, weapon and level design... it's got top notch everything. I have only found one technical glitch involving the graphics cache getting full and causing the game to studder in later levels. THIS IS FIXABLE!! Hold down both the L and R bumper buttons while the game is booting up and this will clear the cache and fix the studder problem (hold down all the way till the Bioshock title screen comes up). This is a very minor inconvenience as it only needs to be done once or maybe twice through the entire game and may likely be fixed in a later patch.

Bioshock is an entertaining experience that should not be missed by any adult 360 owner. I say 'adult' becuase the violent horror-esque content of the story would make it unsuitable for kids (unless you are raising your own set of adam harvesting little sisters... then it's fine for them too).