Don't belive the people saying don't belive the hype.
At the beginning of the game I think the gameplay is some of the best I've EVER played. I just couldn't stop playing when I got the real game. I thought: "If it's going to continue this way, it'll get 10 in gameplay."
It didn't. I think the horror in the beginning was the thing that hooked me. A few levels in and you'll notice that it's just gameplay and no horror. The big daddy's are cool and I love the fights, there might just be a bit too many pairs of them and little sisters in each level.
I love the gameplay, but it should have kept surprising me like it did in the beginning. Therefore, gameplay: 8,5
You'll get blown away. The envirements change a lot (Arcidia etc.) and it's looking so fantastic. I have a high end PC with Dx10 running highest on all settings and it's the best graphics I've ever seen in a videogame.
Graphics gets: 10
I had sorround sound when I played it and it was amazing though I have heard better. The voices were repeated too many times.
Sound gets: 8
You can't really play it that much, I played it one time on medium and one time on hard and I'm not really feeling like playing it again. Maybe some time next year, I don't know.
The story. It's amazing. I've got nothing more to say. The best since Mafia and the twist at the end had me thinking about how cool the story was day and night. It feels so much like everything is explained. Even the Vita Champers. Everything connects so well.
People might say someting like: "Where's all the toilets in the game, I mean, you see like 10 of them in the whole city!" and "Where are all the Splicers sleeping?". Remember folks, you are NOT seeing all of Rapture, just parts of it.
That was a sidenote.
Story: 10
Play it if you have a good PC. NOW!