Everyting it's supposed to be

User Rating: 7.5 | BioShock PC
Well, it's everything it's supposed to be, and yea, i'm not exactly thrilled. Everyone says "it's not about the gameplay, it's about the story!" but can't a game have good gameplay and a great story? (fear comes to mind) i beat it, but the combat was unsatisfying and grew stale after only a couple of hours. the pathetic difficulty makes it so you can go through the game while not really paying attention, which is a shame because of the extremely detailed environments. I thought the good ending was stupid and cleashay (i cant spell). the graphics were great, and i loved the plasmids. the hacking grew tiresome after a short time. the sound was decent, but nothing spectacular. it was also very linear, which was dissapointing considering that non linearity was promised. the plot was great, save the ending, and eventually i'll play through for the bad ending.