to start the graphics in this game are spectacular and gameplay was brilliant but towards the end i found the game getting repetitive and BORING yes i just said it i found bioshock boring all the enemies were too easy to fight all the talk about the big daddys being incredibilly tough they were simple to fight. also i found it very hard along the way to upgrade my weapons because the upgrade centre's are hard to find and then you only get one upgrade this brings me on to another point i didnt like the weapon selection at all i mean looking at the case i thought we might get lots of diffrent weapons but turns out you only get five or six. well now that im over the bad points ill get on to the good points. As i said earlier the graphics are immense especially at the start when you are walking through the tube thing and the aeroplane crashes through the side. The enemy ai also seemed realistic like if you shoot a splicer and it starts to lose it will try to run (i think not) Anyway if you haven't got this game yet and like shooting,blowing stuff up and generally destroying everything in your path then this is the game for you
Have you ever dreamed of a place where morality and religion don’t exist? A place where the sole limit of science and industry is man’s imagination? Dream no more, friend; welcome to Rapture. BioShock is the much-hype... Read Full Review
In a time where there are literally thousands of first person shooters out there, BioShock proves that there still is something for the genre that has not yet been done. It combines atmosphere, story, and gameplay like n... Read Full Review