If you manage to get past its awkwardness this game comes through with immense beauty.

User Rating: 9 | BioShock X360
Picture this a little girl guarded by a monstrous big robot-like being, taking a syringe and extracting Adam which she uses as currency. WTF. If you can get past moments like those you will enjoy this game. How do you get past that stuff, the absolutely wonderful story and backdrop will suck you into the fantasy world of Bioshock. This game won alot of game of the year awards. I believe they should have gone to Mass Effect, one of the greatest games of all time, bu that's a whole other angry rant. Bioshock has cool weapons, very cool weapons. My favorite video game genre is Action/RPG, this game was defiantly for me. Back to the weapons, there are many power to the people station throughout Rapture in which you can get one unique upgrade for one weapon per power to the people station. The plasmids ( the magic syringe thing ) you can use are pretty cool . From telekinesis to electrocution to hypnotizing big daddies, plasmids are way cool. Also another cool feature is tonics. A thing I love about the Fallout series are perks, which is a special effect your character gets, and you get get one per level. These perks are similar tonics. These are special effects your character gets. From getting extra health every time you hit someone with your wrench to when you stand still you turn invisible to speeding up your character to about 1.5x his normal speed, tonics are just as cool as plasmids. On a final note, if you do not have this game get it. Boishock has it all.