...............................BIG DADDY BABY!

User Rating: 10 | BioShock PS3
when i was small,i was soooooooooooo scared to play this game,but i wanted to at the same time,i kept watching youtube videos until i got my bravery up lol,and then,when i overcame my fear,i was glued to the ps3 and tv lol,when my parents said get off that now!!!!! i said 5 more min let me beat this level and then..... 2 hours later.......what did i tell you!!!!??? lol i loved this game sooooo much! still do,this baby is old school! you can set traps,hypnotize your enemies,shoot ice and bees and fire and electricity through your arms!!!!!!!! come on! its a great game! the only thing that makes this game scary is that the enemies come outta nowhere and thats about it,surrounding TRY to spook you,but it never works. but this game is not for kids!!!!! please listen to me parents,unless you want your kid screaming in the middle of the night calling for you and you come in his room and say what happened and he says a big daddy is coming after me! aghh!!! splicers!!! lol