Bioshock is an amazing game with an amazing story that could lead to a very succesfull fanchise

User Rating: 8 | BioShock X360
If you like games with a good story AND good gameplay (eg. Dead Space, Army Of Two, Uncharted, Infamous) then this is the game for you.

The game takes place in mid 1950s but this isn't just another assassins creed letdown. The game lookes better than alot of other games today, the story is fantastic and it even has a jaw dropping twist at the near end.

The story is about a guy ,that rarely gets his name called, who happens to be on a plane that crashes into the ocean, he is forced to flee to a nearby tower where he is introduced to Rapture, an underwater city that was created by a man named Andrew Ryan.

Something in the city has gone horribley wrong and without giving anything away, you are forced to find Andrew and save yourself. I know that the way I explained it suckes but Im trying not to give anything away, just play the damn game!

The story is excellent, the graphics are superb and the boss battles are epic. this is a must play for anyone who loves games with good story and good fun gameplay.