The game was quick a painless 19 hours tops from start to finish. The ending felt short and dissapointing but if you listen to every tape the game plame is immersive and you'll be all over the story in no time. Is set on possible scenario for a world. A mad scientist per say took it upong himself to create a free world. Away from all the rules that keep our daily lives safe but joy free. Very worth playing I couldnt play it earlier because i wanted to computer nice enough to enjoy the game graphics to its fullest. NOT A SINGLE CRASH. This game is not a beta like fallout or stalker that needs tons of fixing and restarts and crashes. SMOOTH GAMEPLAY. Nothing but shooting and collecting items. Everything about it is unique. I recommend it. This game is worth purchasing I might even play it for a second time in the future. The ending was short and felt lonely. How hard is it to have multiple endings? A video of at least 10 minutes ad the end so you can enjoy that feeling of completion. Instead I just wanted to reload right away :P. PLAY IT PLAY IT PLAY IT. Cyberpunk all the way. Enjoy. Take care.
I finally got around to finishing System Shock 2 a couple months back because I heard about how great BioShock was, and I wanted to finish SS2 before playing BioShock so I went into BioShock with System Shock 2 still fre... Read Full Review
This game presents itself wonderfully, from the music to the beautiful style of the underwater city and the brilliant voice work, putting this game a class above most. The game feels very polished and you can get a real ... Read Full Review