To make a quick statement about this game,all in all it is great!There is just the right amount of battle and errieness!
The first topic I'd like to talk about is the games extensive line of weapons. What I like about BioShock's weapons is how exotic and wierd they are! The thing that sticks out in my mind about the games weapons is the line of plasmids and tonics. I just get a chill down my back when I set fire to a Big Daddy and then put 10,000 volts through him to finish him off. Along with the plasmids and tonics there is also a line of other weapons that are more realistic like the grenade launcher, the pistol, the shotgun and my favorites, the flamethrower and the wrench! There is also three different types of ammo for each gun. For example, the shotgun has an exploding bullet, and electric bullet and the normal bullet which just adds to BioShock's varity.
Another great aspect of BioShock is the enemies it has crawling around Rapture! There are many security turrents that can fire explosive missels and machine gun bullets and there is also security cameras placed around Rapture that, when activated by catching sight of you, send out a fleet of about two flying security bots that follow you and try to kill you. There is also the many types of splicers that are all around ruthless and creppy with some that throw exploding bottles and others that try to slice you up with razor sharp hooks for hands. My favorite enemy is the huge walking boss called the Bid Daddy! There are four types of Big Daddys. There is the Bouncer and the Rosie and the elite version of each. They are both very creppy and fun to kill and provide a challenge for every level!
All in all, this is one of the best games I have ever played! The graphics are phenomenal and there is a great balence of fear and battle spread throughout the game with creepy cut-scenes, levels and flashbacks! I definatly recommend this game for every PS3 owener!