You need to play this game...

User Rating: 9.5 | BioShock X360
Are you ready to take on Rapture? No, you're not. Let me start off by saying that Bioshock is not for the faint of heart. This game will creep you out from the very beginning and it will captivate you throught your whole journey through Rapture. When I was buying this game, I saw a woman that was about to buy this game after asking a customer associate at Target. She asked if it was actually okay for a 12 year old to play this game. The employee said she didn't know. She was about to take it to the register and I actually stopped her. Now, I'm not one to bother with other people's business but I felt the need to stop her from traumatizing her son for life. That was a very good choice on my part.

Bioshock is a first-person shooter but I like to call it a first-person adventure because calling this game just an "fps" confines the greatness of the game. Bioshock is a revolutionary game that demonstrates to other developers how a game's supposed to be made. The story grabs you from the very beginning and takes you through a roller-coaster ride. This game aims to literallly shock you with its gameplay and it succeeds. When you first inject that plasmid, when you encounter your first splicer, when you fight the first Big Daddy. Everything about this game is an experience. Bioshock gives you a myriad of options in how you defeat your enemies. Through a whole arsenal of weapons and plasmid powers, you have a great amount of freedom in how you decide to encounter combat. Perhaps the greatest part about this game is the Big Daddy fights. They're not bosses and they don't have anything to do with the story, but they're the most influential opponents in the game. The sound and the trembling of the floor tells you that a Big Daddy is nearby and you'll feel your body tingle from fear. There is just one more thing, Little Sisters. The little sisters force the player to make a decision, to harvest or to rescue. I'll just say that I was unable to harvest any of them, you play for yourself. The graphics in Bioshock are absolutely gorgeous. The art in this game is superb and everything comes to life. All the characters look amazing and I have never before seen better environments in a game. The physics engine is also great, you can interact with every object in the game and everything reacts the way you think it should.

Bioshock is a masterpiece, simple as that, but we all know there is no such thing as a perfect game. In fact, Bioshock fails in a few places. Bioshock does not have much replay value. Because the game is so heavy on story, IMO a second playthrough is not nearly as fun as the first. Although the developers may say that because of the plasmids, you have a reason to go through the game even after you complete it, this is not true. Although there are a good number of plasmids, you'll only be using about 3 or 4 regularly. The other plasmids aren't nearly as fun or useful. The final boss fight is really a joke. It is way too easy. The biggest shortcoming is ironically the game's most exciting aspect, the Big Daddy fight. I've said how exciting the Big Daddy fight is but that is until you get a certain weapon. I don't want to ruin the game for you but after you pick up all your weapons in the game, the Big Daddy fights become extremely easy. So easy that all you have to do is set up a few traps and make him come running at you with a shot of Incinerate to kill him.

The ending is quite possibly, the shortest ending in videogame history. I got the good ending because I rescued all the little sisters and although it was short, I loved it. It feels like it sums up the game in the perfect way. I've stated some things I didn't like about the game but those are all petty complaints compared to the amount of fun you'll have playing this game. If you have a 360, you need to get Bioshock a.k.a Game Of The Year.