bioshock i mean wow the creators of system shock congrats u made an incredible game that is so eclectic i mean like u have plasmids which is an awesome new feature that we haven't seen in games. incredible art design and outstanding graphics. i mean wen u first start off ur in the water and it looks so real. i hope u guys make another one. cus its so fun jus knowing that somthing will pop out like a splicer or a big daddy. its so suspenseful yet so fun. this is also a great story. because at the end where u meet ryan its so awesome because he tells u all thats happened. although it came be pretty hard not knowing where to go but other than that incredible game. playing this game probably gonna say it has an incredible chance of winning game of the year. the graphics something we've never seen before and jus an incredible game that is bound to win any category it's in.
Have you ever dreamed of a place where morality and religion don’t exist? A place where the sole limit of science and industry is man’s imagination? Dream no more, friend; welcome to Rapture. BioShock is the much-hype... Read Full Review
In a time where there are literally thousands of first person shooters out there, BioShock proves that there still is something for the genre that has not yet been done. It combines atmosphere, story, and gameplay like n... Read Full Review