One sexy Big Daddy

User Rating: 10 | BioShock X360
While this is not the single best game that I have ever played it is tied with the best ones that I have played. It is amazing. You really wont understand how good it is until you have played it. Bioshock is immersive, wonderfully artistic, and it will suck you in beyond what you thought anything could. The world is so believable and huge. First person shooters sure are a dime a dozen and most of them even if good are repetitive and well don't have any inspiration. This is much different, this is what games are meant to be. This game is among Super Mario 64, Metal Gear Solid, Pikmin, Animal Crossing, and Shadow of the Collosus in terms of the emotion and excitment that it will make you feel. WIth each step that you take through the game you will feel and see the energy that was put into making each texture, every animation, and all of the models come alive to create the believable world of Rapture. Game of the Year for me hands down and the most captivatingly magical experience since in years.