Bioshock, turn me on with your electric feel

User Rating: 9 | BioShock X360
The highlight of this game for me was the story. Compared to a lot of games out there on the market, Bioshock definitely has one of the strongest stories told in a game. Bioshock story relates closely to Ayn Rand's sense of self, but with a darker take on it. Individuality and the want to be truly free was the reason for the creation of Rapture, which is the city that you will be in. However ironically the reason why the city was built is the same reason that created the downfall of the people that resided in the underwater city. You are thrown into this chaotic world with now way out and it is your duty to explore this mysterious place.

Bioshock is also visually stunning. The atmosphere that was created really sucked me into the game. There was a haunting sense of decaying beauty throughout the whole game.

The only negative thing that I can come up with for this game is that it can get repetitive, but that should not shy people away from playing this game.