From the very beginning, Bioshock didn't have enough action shooting in it to get me hooked. The hand gun i got and the occasional machine gun were the only weapons i got up to. Maybe i didn't spend enough time on it or i have a problem. I guess i do like the war sort of shooters better than the single ones where it's u, alone, with no one else but these mutations and this guy who's name i don't remember (if u even find it out.) The bit at the start where u go down that elevator to get to watsit'sname (?ratchet?) place is especially boring...feels like forever. I am probably only giving the bits i did easy so my easy difficulty thing might not be right and by 10 hours or less i meen about 1, like i said it just didn't have enough shooting action for me and i think it is way over rated by gamespot and lots of user but thats my opinion and i am sure i am not the only one.( i hope i am not the only one)
Have you ever dreamed of a place where morality and religion don’t exist? A place where the sole limit of science and industry is man’s imagination? Dream no more, friend; welcome to Rapture. BioShock is the much-hype... Read Full Review
In a time where there are literally thousands of first person shooters out there, BioShock proves that there still is something for the genre that has not yet been done. It combines atmosphere, story, and gameplay like n... Read Full Review