Now its working agian so this is my Real Review

User Rating: 8.5 | BioShock PC
After all the crap I been through...
I can finally play Bioshock with Direct X 10 with everything high and now the sound works fine since I made it Windows XP compatible (the only freaking tweak) but it sounds a bit scratchy in some cases.

Movin on I bought this game in October with my Sony Laptop to test it out since its a really good game and didnt have an Xbox 360 at that time since I was waiting for the new 360s with HDMI to come in, anyways let me just skip all the crap that it crashes on me when I tried loading the first level with Direct x 10 mode and then had to run the game in Direct x 9 which finally allowed me to play the game untill I reach to Font Fallic what ever stage is called and crashed on me with Medium setting set. Lets Fast Foward 3 months later untill now and with my Video driver finally updated and allowed me to play the game...then No sound...lets Rewind from yesterday when I fix it. I Finally was able to play the game were I was left off... Phew..

Okay so I finish the game and I been bad boy since i was piss about my whole game not working and just Harvest the hell out the little girls and I can tell you I was really disappointed with the ending and hell I dont really feel like going through this game agian since it still feels reapetive for me. I can see the good ending in Youtube and it still pretty disappointing to me since the intro was pretty spectacular. I can say the last boss fight was pretty awesome but a bit to easy to me but then agian I played more epic games with bosses then this game uh hmm..(cough)God of War(COUGH).

All the tapes do tell the story and its very intresting to tell the story but then agian fighting and tring to hear the tapes didnt blend well.

Any ways it just made the game bump up to 10 points if only the ending was more longer and intresting to me and hell I said ill re write it and I did so this my score

Graphics 10/10 very beautiful Underworld which has an awesome way of presenting the 1950's

Sound 9/10 has some good tunes from the 1950s and its the best feature for this game

Gameplay 8/10 since its hard to change weapons on the fly but the powers with adam makes it up and the upgrades are pretty good

Replay Value 5/10 I cant see myself replaying the game when its finished and I did tried my best to upgrade everything but its just hard to focus when its the same splicers coming at you over and over agian

just wish the ending was as spectacular as the beginning but hell it was a deep journey under the sea till the end