An all time favorite
The game has two types of weapons the conventional ones like a pistol and shotgun and then genetic weapons called plasmids that range from electroshock, freeze, and incinerate to name a few. When you are low on conventional ammo the plasmids make a great sub and then there is the great combo action.
The game has a wonderful twist in the middle as you start the game there is a goal toward a big boss only when you reach him do you find that the game in not over it has just begun.
Throughout the game you encounter the "Little Sisters" as they are called protected by formidable creatures call "Big Daddies". Once you take the Big Daddies down you have the choice to be good and save the Little Sister or be evil and Harvest her power. Like other reviews have said you choice doesn't affect the course of the game. However it does effect what kind of assistance you receive in the game and which clip scenes you see. I played the on the side of good and the final clip scene made an old softy like me cry like the movie old yeller.