Underwater city slowly crumbling. Kind of hard to get out once you are in.

User Rating: 9.5 | BioShock X360
What can I say about Bioshock that hasn't already been said?

Either a lot, or nothing.

But, I do love that game. A little dark, screen-wise, but I can live with it.

My only crowning glory, or fifteen minutes of fame, or Master of Nothing, or whatever, it seems like I was the first to spot an error in the game.

I am so anal about some things. Spelling is one of them. I even got a bit of recognition from the Mods at the Bioshock site.

What kind of Daddy? Look here: (May have to copy and paste)


It has been a while since I found this and don't really remember the circumstances where I was or what I was doing when I came across it.

OK, so it's a big deal to me...

The game is right up there, for me anyway, with Halo and Stranger's Wrath and Resident Evil 4 (for the Gamecube.) These, so far, are my all time favorites (and don't forget about Zelda. Not all of them, but most Zelda games.)

The big thing about Bioshock is trying to figure how you want to configure your weapons and which Plasmids you want to use. Yep, makes me crazy.

I'm not much on bludgeoning someone. I just don't get the satisfaction that I get from some of the other weapons.

I do like "levitating" objects and throwing them at whoever happens to be walking by at the time.

Right now, I am at the final Boss Battle. For me, it's rough. My hands are not up to the task of doing what they used to do. So, I play a bit, try to get through, get killed and shut it down. I'll make it eventually.

The Havok engine is somewhat silly. Obviously dead enemies still move. Or that should be "parts of the dead" still move. Some people want to equate that to "real life nerve endings" still clicking. No. Not happening. I can save, quit, and fire it up a day later and the parts are still moving.

Havok is still a great piece of software, but it needs some fine tuning.

This is a great game to add to your collection. I just wish I had ordered the "Limited Edition" with a Big Daddy in it.

Oh yeah, they are available on eBay or Amazon through sellers, but I would never, ever be able to justify the $200.00 cost to the Old Lady. I can't even justify the cost to myself.

I might get lucky and find one some time.

Get this game!
