Many people have said that Bio Shock is a great game and suggested that I should get it so I listened to them and bought the game but after buying the game I discovered that Bio Shock was a waste of money. When I started playing Bio Shock I discovered that the game is really, really, really hard and confusing, the levels are very big and hard to go through (it's like going through a giant maze), the enemies are extremely hard to beat, all of the levels look the same, there aren't any codes, and after playing Bio Shock for a while it gets really boring and annoying because of how repetitive and confusing the game is. You can even be a fan of first person shooter games and would probably agree with me with how hard the game is. So take my advice, rent Bio Shock before buying it to find out how hard, confusing, and overrated the game really is and so you don't waste your money either.
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