This game weaves a story through this underwater world that can be played over and over like reading your favorite book.
The stars of this game are the story and the atmosphere.It's obvious that "this is not right" strait from the start.The rest of the way is full of what makes a good story.The "how?" and "why".There are moments that are meant to surprise you in the game and for me they worked.Witch in its self is very satisfying.To be fooled or surprised in a game is a rare thing anymore.
You soon fined out that the only way to survive in this world is to use its tonics and plasmids.How you go about getting the adam it takes to use these plasmids is another thing.Because I want you to experience the story the way I did.I'm making a point of not saying too much.
Now the combat plays very smooth.You will learn as you go what bullets or plasmids work better with what enemy or situations.You can hack video cameras, turrets, vending machines and other things to help you along the way.This was my only beef with the game and it took a wile to become a beef.That is the hacking mini game.At first not a big deal.Even fun but after about 100 hacks you tend to wish you just had the ability to hack everything automatically.They do let you learn that on some things like turrets but when the mini game becomes a disruption from the flow of the game.It hurts it.
So all that said (for me) this game is one of the best experiences to date for the XBox 360.So along with Oblivion and Gears of War it is a must have.