For 1 dollar, this game provides a twin stick shooter that is pretty and fun

User Rating: 10 | Bird Assassin X360
For 1 dollar you could buy a cheap candy bar, mints, 4 quarters, or you could get this fun, gory twin stick shooter. Basically, a bird kills your pa, and you spend your time killing birds looking for the bird that killed your father. You start out with a sniper rifle, and can get better weapons including a chain gun. The game has great graphics, especially for an indie game. The game lasts 20-30 minutes, and the levels are challenging but are on the easy side. You will be challenged by normal birds, exploding birds, and thorns. The game is a 2d side scrroller. If you have under 400 Microsoft points, I highly recommend this game to kill a half hour. This is probably the only Xbox Live indie game I dont regret buying. If you love gore, killing things (especially birds), or guns, definitely get this game.