Bit.Trip Core is not only an instant classic, but one of the most innovative games I've seen in my life.
Commander Video is, as usual, in the cutscenes provided before each level, but he's come back with a few friends that seem to help him when he's feeling a little sad, which gives the feeling that they'll be in the next games. *Remember, the Commander is the shortest one!* This adventure really packed a punch, costing only 600 Wii Points, and again, a very great soundtrack is bound to be found *he, accidental rhyme. :P* while you're playing the game. I've finally experienced the "In-the-zone mode," so that I can fully experience the game, and it gave birth to a whole new generation of modern-day rythm games.
I think that all games should be like Core, great graphics, kick-butt sounds and music, and awesome gameplay. The level is not quite as hectic as Beat was, but still, the difficulty of this game is just the right amount in order to make you want more.
Gaijin games added a new mode to advance to in the game, called "Super." When you're in super, your multiplier increases each SECOND, so it's easy to tell that as long as you keep a high chain, you're in the high scores list before you hit the transition blocks for the second time, which is good, but makes the game a lot easier score-wise.
Now I am working on the last level, and the music is the best out of all of them. I have completed the first 2 Bit.Trip games, and none of them are frustrating, and gamers like you should be happy about that! I agree when Alex Neuse, CEO of Gaijin Games, said that Core was much more serious than Beat was. Beat was more of a happy game, but Core is more serious and needs alot of more dedication, hard work, and concentration.
Overall: Bit.Trip Core is not only an instant classic, but one of the most innovative games I've seen in my life. You'll HAVE to get this game if you love arcade games and rythem games. I give Core a perfect score of 10. KUTGW, Gaijin games! :)