Best game in the whole world so far and I thnak you Peter. M for making such a great game. I am almost done the game and it has been so much fun and a bit chalenging but it it just made the game even better to play. I like to crush those Japanise team in the game because they were killing me but i still kik @ss. : ) I thing i did not like was that my com was not that good to run on high resolution but it is still the bets thing ever.
That got worked out after i did a lil search throught the options menu and made it look great, so if u think it looks crappy just go change ur video options in the optinons panel.
I have enjoyed it so much by far and i hope u will enjoy the game as well!
When the original Black & White hit shelves, back in 2001, it was a very ambitious title. Combining god-game, with pet-simulator, with city building. And it pulled it off with surprising fluidity. The only problem, was t... Read Full Review
I loved Black and White's originality and sense of abnormal gameplay, and I expected the sequel to improve on those magnicifent factors, or at least not lose the arresting feel to it. But BW2 really went off the prequel... Read Full Review