You are a god with control over a single beast avatar. Get the people of the world to follow you by awe or by fear. Raise your creature to be good or evil. Perform miracles or train your creature to do it instead. B&W is a first person god-sim. You have two consciences guiding you, one evil, one good. If you follow the good advice, you learn to impress your people and your avatar and temple reflect good deeds by getting a brighter color or with softer edges. Follow the evil advice and your people learn to fear you. Your avatar grow horns and turns dark while tour temple also darkens and becomes sharper and more foreboding. You can train your creature by leashing on of three leashes to it: hate, neutral, or love. Performing an action while leashed teaches the creature that action and the leash type determines how your creature is to generally see the target. You cast miracles by making gestures with the mouse. There are no icons to be clicked here. This was a fantastic, novel idea for a game. Some of the anecdotes made this game seem a lot smarter than it is however. Also, the further you progress, the longer the save takes to the point where it was crashing on me every couple minutes of play. I'll be trying it on a different rig for correlation.
+ Great new idea + Novel user interface - Creature is pretty retarded/forgetful sometimes - Stability
Project lead Peter Molyneux promised a great deal with his new god game Black & White, and considering the man single-handedly invented the genre with the classic Populous, there’s been a huge amount of anticipation duri... Read Full Review
Here's the lengthy story. I was endlessly browsing the GameSpot archives sometime post-Christmas, and I found Black & White. The next day, I went downtown to see if I could find it, because it got a "superb" and a 9.3. E... Read Full Review