This is one of the best simulation games I have ever played in my life.

User Rating: 9.4 | Black & White PC
I just simply love this game because there is just simply so much to do. I even like this game better than second one for a couple of reasons. One, there are more creatures to choose from, so I have wide selection in case I only have one favorite. However, I have several favorites: the zebra, the horse, the rhino, the chicken, and the crocodile; although the chicken and the crocodile does not appear in the original game. Second, there is so much to teach your creature, and most of the learning experience comes from teaching him how to do miracles. Lastly, the controls for this game eventually get easy in the process of learning how to play the game. If one needs more help on that, they can always go to the Skirmish Games option for some more training.