One of the most innovative and fun games for it's time. I will never get "we need homes" outta my head lol...

User Rating: 9.2 | Black & White PC
I remember being sooo excited when i was buying this because i waited for sooooooooo long and what hyped games normally do is disappoint me, however i just LOVED it and it more than delivered. Only problem with it today is, i want to create armies and the shame is B&W2 wasnt a improvement of this game but a letdown.

Thing bout Lionhead is when their games launched you wont really see alot of patches or expansions or anything to support it, So your left with a buggy mess for good. Which was a shame because we only got one poor expansion and a multiplayer that was chucked away pretty quickly.

However this was a fantastic innovative game for its time and didn't really see this in any other strat game before. It got fantastic reviews and praise from everyone i remember in Europe and i agree with them all. I had sooo much fun with this game and i wont ever forget it.

The gameplay was simple, your a god and you had to beat other gods and move to the next island with your creature. Sometimes your creature would be captured and you'd have to save him etc etc. Not the greatest story but it worked. There was funny side quests and great mini stories in the game which i really loved.

The Graphics were fantastic for the time and still playable today, however B&W2 put it to shame lol. The art was great and i couldn't fault it because there was sooo much attension to detail.

The sounds were all fantastic and the funny music and everything was perfect.

You can also pick it up for next to nothing these days which is great so go do so.

Black and White was one of the most innovative games i've played and pulled it off well, i just hope they make a 3rd that combines this games with RTS armies and does it well.

Everyone should try it.