An all out amazing game with a great story.
First I must say the story is great so i won't spoil it. basically it starts with a family going to the beach and the kid runs to the water and sharks swim up. the parents beg for somone to help and there is a cutscene where you are coming to earth or somthing you grab the kid save him. then these two guys pop up a good one and a evil one and they explain how you can be good or bad and the good one teaches you to move around. Ok long story short theres a god named Nemisis and the wants to destroy all other gods and there creatures (I'll explain creatures in a sec) so you gotta stop him by getting 3 creeds which the game will explain.
At the start you choose a creature which is a giant animal which is like your pet. you can use leashes with it you gotta feed it and it can fight other creatures with it. from my experence the creature is a kinda small part in the game but if you get the Creature Isle expansion the whole game is done using the creature. I may or may not post a creature Isle review for i have it and completed it.
since your a god you can cast miricles from healing people to throwing fireballs to making a meteor crash into the ground. but the main part of the game is impressing villages by casting miricles to make them belive in you because your villages give you a ring of influence on the map and you cant cast miricles outside of this ring nor can you pick things up or do really anything. villages extend this ring. P.S. you can teach your creature miricles and he isnt bound by the influence ring.
This is the end a great game even if my review makes it sound kinda bad i didnt cover a lot of subjects because im only on the 3rd land (the game has 5 different lands or levels for you to complete doesnt sound like much but you will spend hours on each land) This review was made by me with the help of no one.