Not as good as i thought it would be...
STORY: it starts out with a kid being drowned in the water and You have to decide if you want to save him or let him drown. (you have a good side and a bad side to you at all times, such as the devil and god) their are eight different tribes in Black & White: Aztec, Celtic, Egyptian, Greek, Indian, Japanese, Norse, and Tibetan.
GRAPHICS: ahh great for the time, and now there still pretty good.
ENTERTAINMENT: Decent graphics, great sound, cool creatures, Total worship from your people, and virtually every facet of your followers' lives you control, whats not to like? well my main gripe is about doing the boring thing over and over again for same old thing over and over again with out change 5 levels (of course i have only played 2 levels and gave up after that, i know its that much becuase iv read about it.) so that means all those worlds being the same execpt for the shape of the land. and also this game is just so slow and so boring at times i just could not take it anymore.