Lazy eye candy is about to disappoint you

User Rating: 2 | Black Desert Online PC

I reached level 21 after 7 hours and I am surprised how far I got. Beginning was just leading me through simple quests, even side quests are terrible, fetch chicken or cat on the roof, that is literally 1 meter away, milk the cow, kill grey wolf that is 50m or simply kill something that is weaker than you and defenceless. Then however, I started to play unguided, no main quest, I ignored my advisor saying me do not fight these level 34 monsters, run fool, you are only level 16, what I did was good choice, cause it gave me challenge, but then again it is just spamming left+right+F+roll drink potion... but somehow it restricted me to drink it after a while and it replenishes very slowly.

I realized I will have to travel further, so I bought donkey. 2 hours later I wanted to cross the river, my donkey got stuck in the water, rested and it died after 1 minute while I waited for its response. Great, at least I got my pet which is totally useless and walks on the water. I even saw horse carriage pass through wall palisade into a rock where it got stuck.

I had a quest to fetch this weird bird running on the ground from point A to B and back to A. I waited for it in point B when it started it cycle again. Most NPCs are just lazy and waiting for the player to do the simplest task ever.

Or NPCs fighting harpies night/day in the same position. Graphics, cutscenes and voices are certainly great but everything else.... NO. Animations repeating itself. Turning donkey by mouse control or even on foot makes the whole travelling horrible experience. There seems to be much to do, like fishing, blacksmithing or house arranging, but the main story which is not there when you need it makes me want to quit, despite the offer of free game unlocking upon level 56. I simply do not like this, probably MMORPG in general, but it really is terrible gameplay wise.