Good old style Japonese rpg, with some harsh defects.
Then what brings this game down? Well, to begin with, the lack of tutorials, at the begin you do have some tutorials but there was something, that they never told me, and that made the game much more anoying for me, they will never explain you how to run from battle ( i discovered later that you had to press the B button and not let go ) because of a lack of that tutorial i honestly believed you couldnt run, i tryed everything that usually appears in others rpgs, and nothing worked.
Now you may ask, why you need to run from battles? Simple, the monster rate, is extremly high, sometimes they wont even allow you to give 5 steps without getting an encounter, at begin its all fine, but later on the fights get harder, take longer and without knowing how to run, wich was my case in the first 20 hours of gaming, it became extremly tiring.
Overall is a pretty nice game, the systems will remember you alot chrono trigger, the battles are nice with some flaws on the movement issues inside of it, that sometime leave your character stuck, and being unable to melee an enemy, the maps are okai, but it gets hard to explore it while you can only walk, due to the high encounter rate, the musics are good most of the times.
This game is pretty much worth playing, if you have patience for the high encounter it will pay it off for you the nice story, but if you dont have the patience for the high encounter rate, then, avoid this game.