A very pretty game with an infamous name
Now lets move on to the other complaint most people have... difficulty. I found this game rather easy at times although at the same time challenging because of the amount of enemies and the amount of hits it took to bring them down. Don't let this scare you away from this game, it is actually quite fun killing them when they take that many hits and they are not the impossible to kill enemies that some reviewers make them out to be. The two most difficult parts of the game seem like the exact same area. They make you walk into a room where the door immediately shuts behind you and you are suddenly surrounded by riot gear enemies and the likes. The latter of the two contains nothing but riot gear, machine gunners, and rocket launcher enemies. I will admit that this was quite difficult and i died several times (i had not died in the game until that point, another thing other reviewers mislead you with is that they say they die a lot when it really isnt all that difficult to stay alive through most of the game).
The major turn off was the fact that the whole game revolved around killing one man and i didnt recall killing him at the end. There was just a seemingly impossible room that after you exited the credits began to roll.
In the end i would say that this game was a win for me. There are several things it could have done better but it was fun. The sound was very realistic with graphics that made you feel like you were there. The best part of the game was the collapsible environment that you were allowed to actually interact with, while it wasnt intractable to a point that you would call it amazing it was still fun and very appealing to the eyes.
Maybe the sequel (if there is one) will fix all of the kinks in the game and it will then be an absolutely astounding game.
[this review was brought to you by someone that despises halo]