Very satisfying

User Rating: 8.3 | Black PS2
I am a huge fan of first person shooter games and unlike the PC you can’t find many highly regarded shooter titles on the consoles; boy I was wrong. Black is one of the most exhilarating, mind blowing shooter games on the playstation 2. The game takes place in Eastern Europe, and the story is mostly told by your character Keller. Keller is being interrogated in a dark room by some high ranking officer who remains unknown for the rest of the game. It is four days after the events took place and Keller who is in prison and fighting for his freedom has no other option but to cooperate and shed some light to what had happened in his last mission. The mission main objective was to take down a weapons and arms smuggler/terrorist group known as the Seventh Wave. I can’t really say that Black’s story is creative or that it has some fresh ideas; it is actually the opposite. The dialogue can be tacky most of the time and I wasn’t very much in love with voice acting. Black’s musical score does a pretty nifty job; the problem is that you really need to concentrate to hear music since it tends to stay at the background most of the time due to the overwhelming sound effects. Graphically, the game is simply brilliant, almost everything is destructible, cars, trucks, buildings, towers. The game’s visuals are truly remarkable, from the debris flying all around you to the smoke and dust; you are immediately transformed into another world, a world of absolute chaos. I did find that quite impressive for a game on Old-Gen console. The background is decently detailed; I particularly liked the buildings in the first mission and the tunnels in the fourth. I found the controls relatively hard; it was rather difficult to accurately pinpoint your enemies let alone try to get a head shot. Otherwise the game control was acceptable. On of the things that I mostly didn’t like was that you can’t skip the cut scenes, it was somewhat irritating. The game menus look alright but they tend to be complicated; you might need to press 20 buttons just to start your mission.
The biggest disappointment though is the game was rather short, it took me around 6 hours of gameplay to beat it.
Overall, Black is extremely enjoyable and it brilliantly succeeds in creating the right moods. When I look past the small annoyances (not flaws), I can honestly say that Black is a great game, if you enjoy the shooter genre, then it is definitely the right choice.