The game Black has amazing graphics, cool explosions and great guns; however it falls on the fact that the story line takes a while to really set in (the 6th mission in fact).The enemy's are quite different and show very little intelligence but you don't seem to care when your blowing 2 bad guys into the sky.You play as J.Koller and go the most part alone the first mission is very suprising you start in a building then blow open the door with your shotgun and ready to kill some enemy's. Eight levels may seem short but most levels are 50 minites long all in all a great game.
gameplay:9 graphics:8 story:7 sound:9 value:7 tilt:9 Best gun: the m60. best level: 7 worst level: 4
Criterion has made a brilliant game although next time they should work more on the story and less on explosions.
Black was a hyped first person shooter that was suppose to deliver an explosive, destructible, chaotic shooter, which it did. The story is quite addicting. In Black you start off with a cut scene with real actors. You... Read Full Review
Apparently the PS2 isn’t dead. Then again, that’s what they said about 2Pac and he hangs out at my place all the time. EA and Criterion, a team better known for creating “Burnout” titles, joined forces to create a pixel ... Read Full Review