BLACK is fun to play the first and second time but theres nothing memorable.

User Rating: 7.5 | Black PS2
Story_ Your a BLACK operative that chases down a terrorist supplier. Told through live action sequences (which are real cool, best part in the game).

Graphics_ Gun models are great. EVerything looks good. Some of the texture is bad for a game that came out in 2006.

Sound_ Superb. Guns sound good, as well as explosions. Voice acting during cutscenes is just fantastic.

Gameplay_ You run around and shoot stuff. Period. You also serach for secondary objectives which is some variety. But you only really ever blow stuff up. Also, enemies don't realy cahnge at all you just fight the few variants.

Summary_ The game is fun. It is. But it feels like a game that should have had multiplayer which would have been great. At least co op. I recommend getting it nowadays. Shouldn't cost much and it'll give you sumthing to do over the weeekend..