Although short, Black is a wonderful experience and should never be missed by either action movies fans or fps players.
Finally, it got released for both xbox and ps2.
All I can say about Black is simply that the game itself is one of the best fps ever made to consoles and one of the best action fps ever.
Why? Well, that's quite simple...
The graphics are amazing! You will see one of the best weapon models ever and the biggest explosions on any fps. The backgrounds not only look great, but are also destructible. There's nothing like throwing a grenade inside one building and see the windows break with the explosion. All of this with some occasional slowdown that doesn't stop the action.
Weapons sound amazing, you will feel like you are in the middle of a war with all the explosions and destruction. By the way, the orchestral soundtrack fits perfectly.
Black is actually very simple to play. Yes, I know that it may get some time to get used to the controls, but the player will never have problems with these. Takes probably 15 minutes to get used to, after that, its headshot after headshot.
Black's flaws are really its lenght (takes about 7-8 hours to complete) and no multiplayer.
Don't get this fool you though, there's really a high replay value in Black as you unlock silver weapons etc.
Besides, who gets tired of blowing stuff up, and nonstop action?