I actually bought this game because i thought that it wsa going to be awesome, which it was at first but after awhile well.... You play as a special op named Keller. The story is told through full length videos but they are to flash you back to a few days before and that is where the missions begin. There is a video for each mission but they are mostly confusing. The biggest thing i hated about this game was no online play. GRRRRRR!!!!! Why didnt they put some multiplayer or make it like Halo with CTF and Team Slayer variants? Online might of saved the replay value of Black but there isn't much withought it. You can change the difficulty so the enemies do get a little harder but not much and you have to do extra objectives. It is obvious they were going for explosives like in their previous games like Burnout and they do that nicely. There are a few different guns like a AK47 and Sniper Rifle but most of the guns like snipers or rocket launchers were put there for a reason adn only have limited ammo. Once you blow down a wall with the rpg there isnt much use for it. All in all i like this game and it is short so maybe rent it. Not the best FPS but still good.
All gamers have individual reasons for playing games; it would be foolish to suggest otherwise. Thus, when playing a game and determining its successes and failures, one does so in terms of their initial desire. Black,... Read Full Review
Critierion decided to make a FPS that shares the common goal with its famous racing franchise, Burnout, with spectacular explosions that gets your heart going, judging from their resume, you'll expect something good, but... Read Full Review