Amazing action but not much else.

User Rating: 9.2 | Black (Platinum Hits) XBOX
Amazing. My eyes were open for so long watching the chaos and explosions. In fact, they were open long enough to were they began burning BAD and blinking hurt. The game is fast passed and is like a Run and gun game but better. The Graphics HAVE to be the biggest upside. The game is beautiful. Thus making your extremely detailed gun and every last shell flying from it look amazing. I guess you get the picture.
The game play. Although it isn't perfect it still is good. The controls are solid and comfy. The site though is small. It is a white dot. A little hard to see but still is easy enough to see.
The down sides. It is mainly the same thing over and over. Shoot the guys and watch something explode. The leaves aren't as destructible as they clamed but still are plenty destructive. In the end though I saw past these things and still found it great fun.