This one shines brightly the first few minutes until you realize that the game is just a repetition of getting headshots
The story is loosely about a man that was after some kind of terrorist or something but all of the cinematicmovies are of two man in a interrogating room calmly dissusing the subject.
The action is a FPS modern shooter where you shoot terrorists that are really stupid. Getting a single headshot of any gun killed almost every enemy. Thus being the easiest way to despatch of the baddies was to repetively shoot at their helmets until you hear a "clink" in whick their head protection falls off and you aim at the next one.
The graphics are a little over average at best. Kind of blurry at times to get the gritty feel. The sound can get very old, with the same sounds playing too many damn times.
After beating the game, your left to try the game on the hardest difficulties to unlock some special gun. Their is only one slight problem. This games checkpoints are a series of one way ledges that you can not go back over. Because you can't jump. I'm really getting tired of shooters not adding a jump button. I think Halo is the only FPS that truly did it right. So if you missed getting one objective after two hours of searching for sixteen of them, you don't really feel up to repeating the whole level.
I do admit to trying to unlock the BFG ( Big F*****g gun ) but got tired of some level where you must cross over a bridge and after that a small level with infinately spawning enemies with a boss in the mess too.
Believe me when I say to stay as far away from this bland shooter as possible.