black is the most action packed game ever!,but the story is no where to be found.but the graphics are amazing!.

User Rating: 8.5 | Black (Platinum Hits) XBOX
black is the most action packed game for ages you can pick it up and have a quick blast!your enemies take loads of bullets it's amazing how many they take!.but the story is like there is none, it's like criterion has made this game so people could shoot everything and blow everything up!

the thing is that it has no emotion,no depth your just plonked into a mission and just blast everything in your way!the story is about this arms dealer with a terrorist army. but because you don't really know who your chasing, and there's no boss battles like in metal gear solid.thats where the plot falls apart.

black is like a blast-a-thon through eight missions.

but the graphics are brilliant there better than some 360 games.
black is a good game no question about that it has just got a good story.
i would recommend it to people who like to shoot and blow stuff up and there not really bothered much about a story,then black is a must.