Black is an intense and compelling experience, but it doesn't have the steam to hold itself up in the long run.

User Rating: 8.8 | Black (Platinum Hits) XBOX
Black strives to be an intense and compelling game from the very start. It throws you into a dense, action-paced environment from the very first level, and doesn't ever let up (literally) until the credits roll. One of the ways Black accomplishes this intensity is through the sheer number of enemies. By the time you complete the campaign, you'll have killed almost 2,000 of them. Throughout the entire course of the game, you're never without anything to shoot at. Another thing that Black does very well to astabolish this fast-paced action is through it's use of destructable environments. Almost anything you shoot will break apart, or be filled with deep bullet holes. This really adds to the feel of combat, especially in close quarters.
The presentation in Black is great. The cut-scenes are told through a set of flashback sequences, and instead of using the in-game engine to render the cut-scenes, they're acted out by real people. This is a unique touch that makes a pretty good overall impression, and also really flows well between missions. The in-game graphics themselves are amazing. The gun models are heavily detailed, the lighting is top-notch, and everything has a kind of hand-drawn look to it. The environmental damage, as mentioned before, looks great. Shooting at things kicks up massive amounts of dust and debris, and a lot of things in the environment will crumble after being pelted from a barrage of bullets. However, some of this damage is a little scripted and linear. There are times when you fire a single bullet, and it causes huge damage to whatever you're shooting at. However, most of the time you won't notice, because you hardly ever fire a single bullet in Black . The pysics are almost none-exsistant a lot of the time, and the enemies all have scripted death sequences. Also, the character models lack a little detail, and some of the animations are a bit jerky. While this does hurt the overall presentation, Black is still an amazing looking and game.
The audio in Black is also top-notch. Gun shots are loud and forceful, and what little voice acting there is in the game is pretty convicing. Even the subtle effects, such as the sound of wind, or the creeking of a bridge really will draw you into the game.
The gameplay itself is great. The ore shooting mechanic is well-established. While it does feel a little dated, it manages to holf up through the course of the campaign. Head shots are, in most cases, a one-kit-kill. However, a lot of the gameplay reallies on the destructable environments. And, at it's core, Black is a dated game fused with more modern technology. However, fortunately it woeks very well, because the sheer intensity that is created by the effects and presentation make the game very fun to play, and very addictive.
There is no multiplayer in Black, and the campaign only lasts about 6-7 hours. This does hurt the games overall value, but it is worth replaying, and it is a game that you will most likely come back to. Despite all of it's intense action, Black really doesn't have a lot of memorable moments, but while it lasts, Black is a unique and fun experience. Any FPS fan looking for a new, fresh game would do good to give Black a look.