Black was a very hyped game that didn't deliver on all it promised, but it still is a great game. In Black, you play as a soldier named Keller, who is very highly trained and deadly. There are only 8 missions in the game, but each one has a good length, and they are all very enjoyable. Each mission starts out with a live action cutscene where Keller is getting grilled by the man questioning him. These will explain what you will be doing and where you are going. Missions will consist of you making it from Point A to Point B, and killing a lot of bad guys along the way. The settings will range from cities to country sides, but all carry the same enemy types. The soldiers you run into can be average grunts, shotgunners with heavy body armor, soldiers with shields, and a few more deadly soldiers. One great thing in Black is the variety in which you can kill all of your foes. You can unload on them or go for the headshot as expected, but you can also blow up cars they are using for cover, shoot out a balcony underneath them, shoot them in shoulder so they spin around and shoot their allies, etc.. The weapons in Black are also very fun to use. They all have their own functions and ranges, and include the basics: Assault Rifles, SMGs, Pistols, Shotguns, Sniper Rifles, RPGs, grenades, etc.. You can expect to cause great devastation with all these weapons, but you are only allowed to carry two at one time. One thing that is helpful, but sometimes makes the game too easy, is the abundance of ammo and health packs. Basically, you never have to worry about either at anytime in the game. The devastation caused will look superb because if the incredible graphics in this game. They are so real and gritty, that it brings you into the world. You can shoot the top of a bell tower with an RPG and it will send chunks flying through the air, or destroy walls by unloading on them. These graphics may be the best offered out of any other PS2 game. Another superb thing about the game is the sound quality. All guns sound different from each other and real. Plus the sounds of explosions are simply amazing. The thing that truly holds this game back is the absence of multi-player, co-op, or replayability in general. It took me about 4 1/2 hours to beat, but will averagely take 6-8 hours to beat. Overall, Black is an amazing game that should not be missed.
Black was a hyped first person shooter that was suppose to deliver an explosive, destructible, chaotic shooter, which it did. The story is quite addicting. In Black you start off with a cut scene with real actors. You... Read Full Review
Apparently the PS2 isn’t dead. Then again, that’s what they said about 2Pac and he hangs out at my place all the time. EA and Criterion, a team better known for creating “Burnout” titles, joined forces to create a pixel ... Read Full Review