As someone who had really been anticipating Black since it was announced, I feel a bit disappointed at how it shaped up. It's not a bad game, but feels like it could have been so much better. The gameplay is standard FPS fare through and through but with an emphasis on big guns and big explosions. This can sound just fine on paper but tends to fall pretty flat in practice. The presentation, however, is certainly up to par. The gun models and sound effects are quite well done. But the enemies, AI and level design seem pretty uninspired. Black also has an extremely abrupt ending which really ties up nothing in regards to the story, which is decent but all too familiar. A bit more time in development for a NEXT-GEN console, I believe, would have done a world of good for Black. So if you are an FPS fan this is an extremely solid rental or could be worth picking up cheap somewhere along the line. High hopes for a sequel that can make up for this one's shortcomings. EDIT: Now that the game is playable on the Xbox360 and can likely be picked up used at a pretty reasonable price, I can recommend Black just a bit more, that is if you do have a 360.
All gamers have individual reasons for playing games; it would be foolish to suggest otherwise. Thus, when playing a game and determining its successes and failures, one does so in terms of their initial desire. Black,... Read Full Review
Critierion decided to make a FPS that shares the common goal with its famous racing franchise, Burnout, with spectacular explosions that gets your heart going, judging from their resume, you'll expect something good, but... Read Full Review