black is an intense first person shoot that leaves you on the edge of your seat if your new to first person shooter you should just try easy mode but if you like a challenge try hard mode the graphics are sharp and the framerate is smooth even when their major firefights and feel like your gonna get your butt handed to you on a plate its a shame that theres no multiplayer aspects to the game because it could do with a death match of somesort the guns are the main focus of this game they include an ak47,mp5,m16,grenade launcher ,rpg grenades,sniper rifle but the guns are the best point of the game the enviroment is almost fully destructable
Black was a hyped first person shooter that was suppose to deliver an explosive, destructible, chaotic shooter, which it did. The story is quite addicting. In Black you start off with a cut scene with real actors. You... Read Full Review
Apparently the PS2 isn’t dead. Then again, that’s what they said about 2Pac and he hangs out at my place all the time. EA and Criterion, a team better known for creating “Burnout” titles, joined forces to create a pixel ... Read Full Review