Graphics blow you away, then after a while it look's just like any other FPS.

User Rating: 8.2 | Black PS2
I'd heard alot from magazines and other people that Black was a very good game, so when I bought it I was very excited. The graphics were great and I was amazed how many things were destructable, the difficutly level was good for both pros and new gamers and it has some sort of storyline going on describing whats going on. The sound is very good, I can determine what kind of gun it is by the sound, the explosines are one of the best things in this game. But after you get through the first few levels it begins to look alot like most FPS's, you go in, kill a bunch if guys, travel some more, kill more guys and so-on. But the ways you do it are fun and it's always nice to destroy everything in sight. It has got some problems like every game but it's quite alot of fun to play, i give it an 8.2 out of 10.