BLACK is a great game, don't get me wrong, but I prefer my realism and for a game that worked hands on with guns to get the sound, feel, and look right that didn't get the magazine capacity correct. Every gun in the game holds more ammo then it should (in a mag) except the shotgun, sniper, RPG, and M249. Guns like the AK47(60 rounds), M4(90 in a Vietnam-style mag), MP5(90 rounds), and G36C(70 rounds) all hold more ammo then the real thing. Other then that the game looks, and plays great. The sound you hear from an RPG going past you head is hands-down awesome. Though the story is short and instead of using the iron sights on your gun you zoom in, the game is great a offers some replay value. If you like good looking, pulse pounding shooters this is for you.
Black was a hyped first person shooter that was suppose to deliver an explosive, destructible, chaotic shooter, which it did. The story is quite addicting. In Black you start off with a cut scene with real actors. You... Read Full Review
Apparently the PS2 isn’t dead. Then again, that’s what they said about 2Pac and he hangs out at my place all the time. EA and Criterion, a team better known for creating “Burnout” titles, joined forces to create a pixel ... Read Full Review