Pretty exciting at first, Good Graphics and Sounds, But gets boring pretty fast. And Long Unskippable Cut Scenes.

User Rating: 4.5 | Black PS2
This game is honestly fun, But I really dont have the patients, to start up the game and wait threw the begining video. It is several minutes long. And you cannot skip it... And once you finally get to start your level, there is yet another unskippable cutscene. The game is pretty much run around and shoot people. You can take cover and stuff like that but it pretty much boils down to "Shoot before getting shot, if shot get health and fight more"

Ammo is not hard to get. And there are some enemys at level 2 with body armor. UNPEIRCABLE WHAT SO EVER...

I played the game about 3 times, And I do not play it anymore...

It is fun on the first level, but very... very repeative. Not worth the buy. Prolly not worth a rent, unless you want to be in the very very long cut scenes, and begining video. Without being able to skip it. It gets REALLY Annoying. If you could skip it, I would prolly still be playing the game some.

Gameplay: Pretty neat, Big fire fighting FPS. But repeative. Possibley worth a rent. But not worth a buy. Unless you love major firefight FPS games.

Graphics: Quiet good, Really good actually, for the PS2. And the bullet holes look pretty neat, all the breakable objects. And bullet shells flying. And the flashes from guns. Sound: Really cool, Love the sound of guns firing non-stop, but pretty much, you have no allies to help you, so its your gun and the enemys gun.

Value: Possibley.... Worth a rent..............