Black. You either love it or hate it. Black is your standard FPS, with a focus on explosions to bring you in...

User Rating: 7.5 | Black (Platinum Hits) XBOX
Black. You either love it or hate it. The game Black is your standard FPS, with a focus on explosions to bring you in...The game is fun and has it's moments, but they are so far and few between that you have to play the game for what feels like days to get to the next good part. The Graphics are off the hook. The gun models are perfect and parts move realistically. The reload animations are true to each weapon and can easily be recognized as such. You can see each bullet casing fly out of the weapon as you fire, and trust me, you will fire a lot of rounds. The game focuses on the gunplay so much that it loses all thought of story, which is told through a series of "interogations," where a government agent drills you for information about the last four days of your life. The sound is spot on, and the guns firing and reloading, explosions going off, and general mayhem really draw you into the game. The problem is, there are so many enemies in each area, that you can't help but feel overwhelmed. The enemies are tough and can hit you from anywhere, with any gun. They also blend in with the background so it is hard to see the enemies in time to actually kill them before they kill you. You must focus when playing this game and be very careful because medkits are very hard to find. The controls are exactly what you would expect from an FPS, and are very easily learned. The length is another issue. if you actually finish the game you will wish for more, but at times you start to wish that the game would just end and be done with it already. If you like First Person Shooters, then you should definately check this game out if only to say that you played it.