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User Rating: 8.5 | Black PS2
Ok, so Black, you know it's made by the same guys as Burnout (Criterion) and if you've played Burnout, you'll be expecting a good game. Well, you thought right. Black is a first-person shooter on the Xbox and PlayStation 2. Personally, the PS2 version is better because of the two analogue stick's position. FPS's controls are hard enough already on a console. I'll continue that with my first downer; the controls are very hard to get used to is you're playing this sort of game for the first time, but if you are used to these, it's a piece of cake. My second and final downer is the lack of things to do in the game. You can only really shoot, hit, throw grenades and pick up weapons. If you could do say, the simple task of finding a switch for a door or a key could lighten this game's options up greatly. Now for the good sides. We'll start up with the graphics. They are amazing for a PS2 game, although you may need to turn the brightness settings up on your tv because they are a bit gloomy. Next, the sound. It's decent, but the dialog is a bit too repetitive when you've played through a whole level. The gunshots however are brilliant. First level, just fire an AK-47 at anything you see. Let your ears tell you if you've hit anything. Finally, the physics engine is excellent. You can see that for yourself.
Overall, it should be in your living room, sitting in front your console- NOW.